Dec 052013

Dave Hummel sent a message   “I am looking for a shipmate , Fred C. Rameriz on board 1970, any help would be great.”

Note from Bob Orleck-I have checked the roster using different possible spellings and cannot find him.  If you might possibly know where he is please let us know by leaving a comment below.  That comment will not be posted unless you request that it is posted.   Before any post is public posted I have to authorize it.  The information will be used to try to track the person or in notifying the shipmate searching.  If you do not want your comment posted, please make it clear when you type in the comment.  You can also contact Bob Orleck at with information on this person.

12/07/2013  I just received a message from Dave Hummel about this posting I did to help him find his friend.

 “Thanks , last i knew he was in San fransico,  he also had a recording studio in L.A. maybe in the later 70s.  Fred was in our ships band in 1970 on board , with Dave Hummel , Dave Lovatto and Bill Smedburg …. thanks ,  hope we find him”


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