Dec 312013

Tuesday, 1 January 1946

Moored to the BRINKLEY BASS on our starboard side,

The USS KEARNY on our port does ride.

At Pier Dog Six Charleston Navy Yard,

The O.D. does think he is quite a bard.

Fresh water and salt, electricity and steam,

Are services given this Navy team.

Com. Six Nav. Dist. is SOPA,

About us various ships of Lant Flt lay.

Entered and initialed are the weather reports,

Tis rather chilly in this southern port.

Thus we of the watch greet the New Year,

Sober, quite, unimaginative we fear.

No giggles, no girls, no dancing, no dodging

Of traffic from club to place of our lodging.

Now a wish for happiness to all we decide,

From Schweitzer, Nero, and Whiteside.

W.T. Schweitzer, Lt(jg), USNR